Track Your Body Composition with InBalance 300

Doing the calculations and analysis of our body composition is a very useful and important thing. The output results from the calculation and analysis provide us a clear picture of how healthy our bodies are. Here are some components that can be used as a guide in tracking the progress of our body composition:

  • Percent Body Fat (PBF): this percentage is one of the body composition indicators that can provide a clearer and more accurate explanation than BMI (Body Mass Index), because it can give us a clear picture of how much fat in the body. Usually a good and healthy PBF ranges from 10-20% for men, and 18-28% for women.
  • Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM): is an important indicator in explaining mobility, posture and strong immunity for long term health. With this indicator, we can track and analyze how much SMM, we have in the body, so that if there is a lack and problems of muscle mass, we can immediately repair and ensure that SMM can return to balance and healthy condition.
  • Body Water: if you don't know, body water is an indicator of body composition which is located in 2 parts in the human body cells, some are located outside and some are located inside cells. Analysis of body water is important to maintain the balance of water inside our bodies to always stay healthy.

For tracking, analyzing, and identifying body composition and also its components, it requires sophisticated and modern equipment. Without these tools, we will find it difficult to understand clearly body composition. InBalance 300 is here to help us to track and analyze our body composition with their smart and healthcare advance technology.

InBalance 300 is a real portable and foldable smart and healthcare body composition analyzer based on 4 frequencies (5khz, 50khz, 100khz, 250khz), and segmental BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). InBalance 300 is a tool made in Korea, which is famous not only for its simple and easy-to-use form, but also for providing a lot of information for its users. Here are some of the benefits using InBalance 300:

  1. Accurate body composition analysis: InBalance 300 offers precise analysis of body compositions with consideration of individual weight, height, gender, age, and obesity.
  2. Precise measurement using multiple frequencies: InBalance 300 uses 4 frequencies (5kHz, 50kHz, 100kHz, 250kHz), and offers actual impedance value.
  3. Tetrapolar 8-point tactile BIA (Bio Impedance) method 4 each tactile point in the hands and feet, and 2 frequencies provide more precise analytic results.
  4. Obesity analysis: using BMI, percent body fat and obesity degree.
  5. Abdominal diagnosis: using waist-hip ratio and visceral fat measure.
  6. Guide for weight and calorie control.
  7. Segmental analysis of muscle.
  8. Result display on wide screen with easy data for customer consulting.
  9. Observation of the changing trends of physical status by accumulated data.
  10. Internet connection via LAN or Wifi.
  11. Providing all the information through mobile app and web service cloud.
  12. Smart healthcare platform base design capable of connecting with other devices or services. 

Find InBalance 300 on For additional information, please contact our sales or send a quotation via email or the contact number listed on our website.

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