2 Types of Cell Culture Method

Culture and cells have 2 different meanings, culture is a process of reproduction or cultivation, while cells are part of the tissues of living things such as humans, plants, and animals. Cell culture is often referred to as cell line, this is a cultivation process carried out by taking cells from the original tissue in enzymatic, mechanical, and chemical separation which will later be developed and reproduced in order to produce new cells or multiply the cell numbers.

The cell culture method has become more advanced and has benefits for human's knowledge in many fields. Cell culture even has many benefits and has been implicated in several processes such as stem cells, production and development of vaccines and insulin hormones, drug discovery and gene therapy, in vitro technology, and monoclonal antibodies, and many more.

In carrying out the cell culture process there are two methods that are commonly used by many researchers in the laboratory, the following is an explanation.

Types of Cell Culture Method

2D Cell Culture Method

The 2D cell culture method is a method that is carried out by adjusting the characteristics and morphology of the cells to be carried out in the cell culture process. The 2D cell culture method is further divided into two types, namely adherent and suspension 2D culture systems. Adherent 2D cell cultures are adherent cells that form on the surface of the culture flask and dish and are not suspended in the culture medium, while suspension 2D cell cultures are cells that are not attached to the culture flask and dish but are suspended in the culture medium.

The 2D cell culture methods, both adherents and suspensions require tools such as a biosafety cabinet, incubator, and shaker, especially if the 2D cell culture has a large scale, the use of these tools is intended to make cell culture run smoothly and give good results, evenly and balanced. Cells that use the 2D cell culture method will usually experience changes in expression of genes, topology, and biochemical processes.

However, the 2D method has several drawbacks, such as the absence of interactions between cells and the environment. The 2D method causes many changes such as changes in cell morphology, secretory ability, cell signaling, cell organelle structure, loss of polarity, to cell apoptosis.

3D Cell Culture Method

The many shortcomings that arise when carrying out the 2D cell culture method give rise to the presence of the 3D cell culture method. The 3D cell culture method is a method that has been developed to minimize the shortcomings caused by the 2D method. The 3D method has conditions that are similar to the original conditions of the original cell and can interact and adapt with other cells and their internal and external environment.

The 3D cell culture method is more able to describe the tissue conditions and microarchitecture of the actual specific organs and is ideal for use in in vitro technology testing.

The disadvantage of the 3D cell culture method is that the technique is more complicated and the cost is quite expensive compared with the 2D method. This is also the reason why there are still many researchers who use the 2D cell culture method on a regular basis.

So that's some information regarding the understanding of cell culture method types commonly used for research. If you need equipment with sophisticated and latest automated systems related to cell culture processes for medical and laboratory needs in your workplace, contact and visit Hartech Indonesia at hartechindonesia.com. We will provide and support you with the best choice tools to carry out the cell culture process which are easy-automated and capable of providing comprehensive results faster, accurately, and flexibility.

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