Stem Cells, The Right Solution and The Lifesaving Treatment

As we know together, cancer has been one of the most dangerous diseases for several decades until now, and many people suffered because of this disease until they passed away. When you have been diagnosed with cancer, then you must be aware of the rapid development of cancer cells that will grow inside your body. If not treated quickly, then the cancer cells will eat away and kill your organs. To prevent the development of these cancer cells, doctors will usually provide treatment solutions such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy.

As for now, new treatment methods for cancer have been developed, i.e. stem cells or the process of replacing damaged cells with the new cells. Not only in cancer, stem cells are also used in beauty solutions for women. Some beauty solutions such as doing plastic surgery is one of the results of implementation using the stem cell method.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are cells that have the ability to develop into special cells or new cells in the body. This unique ability of stem cells is able to replace cells and systems that have been damaged or lost due to disease or due to old age in our body. So, basically stem cells are able to replace the old one into the new.

Stem cells work by dividing continuously, so that's why stem cells are able to produce new cells inside your body. When dividing, stem cells are able to change and adapt to other cells, according to different places inside our body. For example, when stem cells are bone, they become bone, or when stem cells are in the skin, they become skin.

How Do Stem Cells Work Against Cancer Sufferers?

When using stem cell therapy for patients with cancer disease, they must undergo a process of checking by a cancer specialist or commonly referred to as an oncologist. This is done by the oncologist to determine the diagnosis of the type of the cancer patient has.

If The doctor already has diagnosed or identified the type of cancer, then the doctor can make a decision whether the patient can do therapy with stem cells or not. This is done because only certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer, can be successfully removed and cured using stem cells.

Then, after the doctor diagnoses the type of cancer the patient has the possibility to do stem cells, then the next process is to find cells that are suitable and ready for transplantation. Transplantation is the transfer of a cell or organism from one part to another in a person's body.

Cells that have been identified as suitable for transplantation will be stored in a special device, so that the cells do not die and can stay alive and reproduce. After the cells are ready, then the cells are ready to be transplanted.

Although the process looks quite easy, it often requires sophisticated technology to implement it, because if the technology used is still not sophisticated, the results obtained will also not be optimal. The process of storing cells in a device also requires a device that has a special place, as well as a procedure that cannot be done haphazardly or spontaneously and in a hurry.

Stem Cell is A New Solution in Cancer?

Yes, for some types of cancer. However, this is a hope and a bright spot for people with cancer to be cured. And of course, to be able to recover optimally, the hospital needs technology that is able to answer this problem and is able to carry out the stem cell process safely and effectively.

What Kind of Technology is Able to Process Stem Cells Safely and Effectively?

The technology, which is designed to manage and process the whole stem cell processing system by N-BIOTEK. N-BIOTEK provides you all the needs for a stem cell business perfectly in a brief space of time, with their devices that are sophisticated and always evolving according to the needs and demands of the times. N-BIOTEK's devices can be applied to several functions, such as health recovery, disease treatment, anti-aging treatment, even skin and hair care, plastic surgery, or cosmetic.

So that's some information related to stem cells against cancer. If you need equipment related to stem cell processes for medical and laboratory needs in your workplace, contact Hartech Indonesia as an exclusive distributor for life science, laboratory equipment and consumables if your region is in Indonesia. We are appointed as authorized agents for many reputable brands, especially N-BIOTEK to distribute their products throughout Indonesia.

We are not only providing a reliable product, but we also provide after sales service supported with Highly trained Service Engineer team. If you are interested for more additional information, kindly check or contact us on our website.

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