Improve your Laboratory Equipment During a Pandemic

The laboratory is a place where research, development, and testing or experiments are carried out. In the research process until later testing will be carried out, it is necessary to have tools and supporting materials to achieve maximum results. The existence of research activities to develop various things, makes the laboratory have a lot of equipment contained in it, like the analog (classic) and the modern equipment (an advanced technology that already meets the needs of the times).

The pandemic situation which is getting worse has forced several places, such as offices or companies, hotels, malls, tourist attractions, and many more, to be forced to close in order to prevent and break the chain of virus transmission. The laboratory is no exception, although there are several laboratories still open for research purposes, but there are also laboratories already terminated their activities and closed.

For some laboratories that are still conducting research and development activities, it is necessary to make improvements to many things, such as increasing and improving the area, materials, and equipment inside and outside the laboratory area. Due to the covid pandemic situation, there are many new challenges that must be faced by laboratories, and also considering that laboratories are places for research and experimentation of things, it is no longer a secret that this covid virus must also be studied and researched in this place, even when we want to make a vaccine that can stop this virus is done in this place as well.

Because of this, the laboratory also needs to do various things such as maintaining the security and safety of its members during the activity process that will take place every day. Even though laboratory activities should now move in a tight schedule due to the increasing number of research sample volumes, this does not mean that the laboratory will ignore the health protocols. The laboratory must be and will be always implement health protocols to maintain the safety of their members for the smooth running of their work, such as:

- Must wear a mask and other protective equipment to avoid work accidents

- Less direct interaction with other members

- And of course, implementing shift work hours for its members, considering that in this situation there should not be too many crowds, the laboratory must also maximize the number of members in the laboratory

One of the other important things is the improvement of laboratory equipment during a pandemic, because there are so many challenges faced by laboratories when it comes to the equipment they have. Here are some reasons why laboratories should start developing and improving their equipment:

- The existence of a pandemic causes the sample research activities to be increased, starting from research on viruses and their new variants, to the research for vaccine manufacturing. All these things need tools with advanced and new technology, which must be suitable for the needs of the current situation

- The pandemic causes the laboratory to increase and tighten the conditions and secure the area inside or outside the laboratory, so that the members inside, outside, or the environment around the laboratory can always be in safe and healthy condition. Therefore, the latest supporting technologies are needed to be implanted inside and outside the laboratory to prevent accidents that cause casualties

- Not only because of a pandemic situation, but because of changes and developments in the era, the circumstances and natural situations will also change and develop. For this reason, if the technology owned by the laboratory is not immediately upgraded, research on nature and the substances contained in it, will not be able to run optimally. So, the research may be difficult to obtain results or even may be hampered and terminated, because the technologies are no longer supported

From the three reasons above, we can see that although the number of research and development activities in the laboratory is increasing at this time. However, the results obtained until the process is carried out, will not run as expected if the equipment you have not been upgraded.

To help laboratories overcome these unexpected obstacles, Hartech is here to provide solutions to your laboratory needs. We, Hartech, provide you a life science, laboratory equipment and consumables products with modern technology and from a trustworthy brand partner. We also provide you, an after sales service supported with a highly trained service engineer team both on-site and web-based or remotely, which allows us to interact closely and easily with the laboratory.

Kindly contact our sales or send a request on our website for additional information.

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